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This session will cover how OSF HealthCare took 70 MarCom members across 13 facilities and developed a crisis communication plan for all.
This resource showcases stories " and lessons learned " by a panel of hospital communicators from some of the most tragic headlines, including the Boston Marathon bombing, the San Bernardino shootings, and the Virginia on-air shootings.
Kathy Wilets and Libby Mitchell from University of Utah Health Care will discuss how Twitter and Facebook can be your best friends in times of crisis, even when the trolls come calling.
This session will feature case studies and best practices to illustrate what it takes to manage and control a crisis. Also, participants will learn the "seven golden rules"of managing crisis communication and effective crisis media relations tactics.
The 2014 Ebola panic provides a must-learn-from case study that helps us prepare for the inevitable next "epidemic"situation and improve all facets of day-to-day communications. Two veteran healthcare executives dissect what needs to change and how marketers/communicators can lead this effort.