Calendar of Health Observances Page Masthead

2025 Calendar of Health Observances

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January 2025

  • Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine

    Integrative Health Month recognizes the growing importance of transforming the disease-care model into a holistic one – mind, body, spirit, community, and planet. Throughout the month, organizations around the globe will shine a light on the contributions of integrative health and medicine practitioners as well as raise awareness among consumers about the benefits of synergizing modern medicine with centuries-old natural therapies.

    Social: @aihmglobal | #integrativehealthcare, #healthiertomorrow, #integrativehealthmonth

    For more information, contact: Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine | | 609-445-3000

    For more information, visit:

  • Medical Travel & Digital Health News

    Medical Travel Month raises awareness for medical care options beyond what is available locally. Traveling for care, both domestically and internationally, allows Americans to access high-quality, affordable medical care.

    Social: @MTT_eNews | #MedicalTravelMonth

    For more information, contact: Medical Travel & Digital Health News | | 201-641-1911

    For more information, visit:

  • WellRithms

    Abuses in hospital and physician billing cost a typical union or employer health benefit plan millions of dollars yearly. Research published in JAMA estimates that medical pricing irregularities, fraud, and abuse cost $289 billion to $324 billion per year. 62% of personal bankruptcies filed each year are the result of medical debt. Medical Payment Integrity Month raises awareness of billing abuses to protect companies, unions, and other self-insured groups, while ensuring providers are paid fairly.

    Social: #MedicalPaymentIntegrityMonth, #MedicalPaymentIntegrity, #HealthcareBilling, #BillingIntegrity, #EmployerTrust

    For more information, contact: WellRithms | | 201-641-1911

    For more information, visit:

  • National Cervical Cancer Coalition

    During Cervical Health Awareness Month in January, we encourage you to learn more about cervical health and cervical cancer prevention and take steps to help eliminate this preventable cancer.

    Social: @stophpvcancer

    For more information, contact: National Cervical Cancer Coalition | | 919-361-8400

    For more information, visit:

  • Foundation for Women’s Cancer

    The Foundation for Women’s Cancer, the National Cervical Cancer Public Education Campaign, and partner organizations promote the message that cervical cancer is preventable—vaccinate early, Pap test regularly, and HPV test when recommended.

    Social: @GYNCancer | #NoHPV, #endcervicalcancer

    For more information, contact: Society of Gynecologic Oncology | | 312-676-3910

    For more information, visit:

  • American Academy of Ophthalmology

    Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness in the US. It has no noticeable symptoms in its early stages, and vision loss progresses at such a gradual rate that people affected by the condition are often unaware of it until their sight has already been compromised. During Glaucoma Awareness Month, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) advises the public that the best defense against developing glaucoma-related blindness is by having routine, comprehensive eye exams.

    For more information, visit: American Academy of Ophthalmology |

  • HHS Office of Trafficking in Persons

    National Human Trafficking Prevention Month is an opportunity to raise awareness on how we can all prevent and respond to human trafficking. It is a time to reflect on the resilience of trafficking survivors and recognize the efforts of those who work tirelessly to prevent and eliminate this inhumane and devastating form of abuse and exploitation. The goal is to stop human trafficking before it happens and provide access to critical services for survivors.

    Social: #Partner2Prevent, #EndTrafficking

    For more information, contact: HHS Office of Trafficking in Persons | | 202-401-9215

    For more information, visit:

  • Association for Blood Donor Professionals

    January has been designated as National Blood Donor Month to encourage people to give or pledge to give blood at least two or more times a year. Blood is typically in short supply during the winter months—especially January—due to the holidays, travel schedules, inclement weather, and illness. A reduction in donor turnout can cause blood shortages around the country.

    Social: @adrpgiveblood | #NBDM, #NationalBloodDonorMonth, #ADRP

    For more information, visit:

  • American Lung Association

    January is National Radon Action Month and the American Lung Association is urging everyone to help save lives by testing their home for radon and mitigate if high levels are detected.

    Social: @LungAssociation

    For more information, visit:

  • March of Dimes

    Birth defects affect 1 in every 33 babies born in the United States. The goal of National Birth Defects Prevention Month is to generate greater awareness that birth defects are common, costly, and critical, and to offer specific actions that women and healthcare professionals can take to prevent birth defects.

    For more information, contact:

    For more information, visit:

  • Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign

    Blue Campaign is a national public awareness campaign designed to educate the public, law enforcement, and other industry partners to recognize the indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases. Blue Campaign’s educational awareness objectives consist of two foundational elements, prevention of human trafficking and protection of exploited persons. The Blue Campaign also offers training to law enforcement and others to increase detection and investigation of human trafficking, and to protect victims and bring suspected traffickers to justice.

    Social: @DHSBlueCampaign | #WearBlueDay

    For more information, contact: Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign |

    For more information, visit:

  • Infusion Nurses Society

    Every January 25, infusion nurses and other healthcare professionals observe National IV Nurse Day. Established in 1980, the U.S. House of Representatives designated this day to honor and recognize the accomplishments of the nation’s infusion nurse specialists each year, as well as the Infusion Nurses Society.

    For more information, contact: Infusion Nurses Society | 781-440-9408 |

    For more information, visit:

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February 2025

  • American Heart Association

    During American Heart Month, thousands of American Heart Association volunteers raise awareness about and raise funds to fight cardiovascular disease, our number one killer. A federally designated event for more than half a century, American Heart Month reminds people to focus on their hearts and encourages them to get their families, friends, and communities involved.

    Social: @americanheart, @American_Heart, @GoRedforWomen | #HeartMonth

    For more information, contact: Communications Department | American Heart Association | 1.800.AHA.USA1 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Institute for Preventive Medicine

    Wise Healthcare Consumer Month is an effort to encourage patients to make wise decisions and to engage in better, more open dialogue with their doctors.

    For more information, contact: Hope Lawless | American Institute for Preventive Medicine | 248-539-1800 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

    National health statistics reveal that pediatric ear, nose, and throat disorders remain among the primary reasons children visit a physician, with ear infections ranking as the number one reason for an appointment.

    Social: @aaohns

    For more information, visit:

  • American Academy of Ophthalmology

    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among older Americans, but new treatments have dramatically changed the course of this disease over the last 10 years, making AMD more manageable than ever before.

    For more information, visit:

  • American Dental Association

    Each February, the American Dental Association (ADA) sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM) to raise awareness about the importance of oral health.

    For more information, contact: American Dental Association | 800-621-8099 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Sexual Health Association

    If one of Cupid’s arrows finds its way to you this month (or any other time), the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) wants you to be safe. Each year in the United States, there are approximately 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms are inexpensive and reduce the risks for STIs.

    Social: @infoASHA | #CondomMonth

    For more information, contact: American Sexual Health Association | 919-361-8400 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Therapeutic Recreation Association

    The purpose of National Recreational Therapy Month is to enhance public awareness of therapeutic recreation programs and recreational therapy services, promote inclusive recreation opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and recognize certified therapeutic recreation therapists as the qualified provider of recreational therapy services.

    For more information, visit:

  • American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses

    Perianesthesia Nurse Awareness Week (PANAW) provides the ideal opportunity to educate nursing colleagues and the community about the professionalism and passionate care that is delivered by perianesthesia nurses every day.

    For more information, contact: Doug Hanisch | American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses | 856-616-9600 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Shriners Hospitals for Children

    Burn Awareness Week kicks off Shriners Hospitals for Children’s annual educational campaign to raise awareness of burn injuries and ways to prevent them. Free educational materials are available for firefighters, teachers, parents, and others concerned with the safety of children.

    For more information, contact: Public Relations Department | Shriners Hospitals for Children | 813-281-8162 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Heart Association

    During American Heart Month, the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement works to save women’s lives and beat heart disease, the number one killer of women. On National Wear Red Day, support the movement by wearing red.

    Social: @GoRedForWomen | #WearRedDay

    For more information, visit:


    National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is the oldest national HIV/AIDS awareness campaign designed and coordinated by a voluntary coalition of local and national organizations/agencies serving African Americans. The campaign has four major objectives: to increase testing for HIV; to improve community education about HIV/AIDS; to increase public advocacy of HIV prevention; and to elevate treatment levels, whether HIV positive or negative.

    Social: @NatBlackAIDSDay | #NBHAAD

    For more information, visit:

  • Sepsis Alliance

    As many as 60% of sepsis survivors are left not only with physical challenges but mental and emotional challenges too. During Sepsis Survivor Week, we partner with sepsis survivors to honor their experience by sharing their individual stories of survival and bringing awareness to the unseen mental, emotional, and physical challenges many survivors face every day.

    Social: @SepsisAlliance | #SepsisAwareness, #SepsisSurvivorWeek2025, #SepsisSurvivor

    For more information, contact: Alexandria Sadorf Colvin | Sepsis Alliance | 619-233-0300 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals

    Healthcare professionals continue to demonstrate that through teamwork, quality care can be delivered reliably and effectively. In no other specialty do we see this impact more acutely than in the cardiovascular arena. Cardiovascular professionals, specifically, have demonstrated an enormously compassionate commitment to delivering emergent and routine care for the most vulnerable and intensive populations in the health care system. Celebrate the week honoring those who care for the heart!

    Social: @AllianceCVPros | #CVPWeek

    For more information, contact: Peggy McElgunn | Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals | 804-639-9213 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR)

    National Cardiac Rehabilitation Week focuses attention on cardiac rehabilitation’s contribution to improving the health and physical performance of people at risk for heart disease as well as those who have been diagnosed with heart disease or dysfunction. We call attention to the role of cardiac rehabilitation in reducing the devastating effects of heart disease. Special events will be held in hospitals, exercise facilities, and outpatient rehabilitation centers throughout the country.

    Social: @AACVPR

    For more information, contact: Andrew Miller | American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) | 312-321-5146 |,

    For more information, visit:

  • American Medical Technologists

    Established in 2019 by the American Medical Technologists (AMT), Phlebotomists Recognition Week recognizes and celebrates phlebotomists’ vital role in maintaining patient health and promoting lab efficiency and effectiveness.


    For more information, contact: Cathie Casey | American Medical Technologists | 847-823-5169 |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Association of Catholic Chaplains

    An observation introduced by Pope John Paul II as a way for Catholics to offer prayers for those suffering from illnesses. The day coincides with the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes.

    Social: #ChooseChaplaincy

    For more information, contact: Erica Cohen Moore | National Association of Catholic Chaplains | 414-483-4898 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Donate Life America

    Observed every year on February 14th, National Donor Day is an observance dedicated to spreading awareness and education about organ, eye, and tissue donation. By educating and sharing the Donate Life message, we can each take small steps every day to help.

    Social: #GotHeart

    For more information, contact: Jocelyn Reed | Donate Life America | 804-377-3580 |,

    For more information, visit:

  • National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners

    The National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners recognizes the importance of continued staff training. In honor of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Staff Education Week, the NCCDP makes available complimentary staff in-services.

    For more information, contact: Patrick Smith | National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Eating Disorders Association

    National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDAwareness) Week puts the spotlight on the seriousness of eating disorders in an effort to improve public understanding of their causes, triggers, and treatments. By increasing awareness and access to resources, we can encourage early detection and intervention, which can improve the likelihood of full recovery for millions.

    Social: @NEDA_staff | #NEDAwareness, #EDAW

    For more information, contact: Program Department | National Eating Disorders Association | 212-575-6200 x309 |

    For more information, visit:

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March 2025

  • Multiple Sclerosis Foundation

    National MS Education and Awareness Month is observed in March of each year, a nationwide effort by MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation and affiliated groups to raise the public’s awareness of multiple sclerosis. The vital goals of this campaign are to promote an understanding of the scope of this disease, and to assist those with MS in making educated decisions about their healthcare.

    Social: @MS_Focus, multiple_sclerosis_foundation | #NMSEAM #MSAwareness

    For more information, contact: NMSEAM Committee | Multiple Sclerosis Foundation | 888-673-6287 (888-MSFocus) |

    For more information, visit:

  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

    National Nutrition Month® is an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating and physical activity habits.

    Social: @eatright, @eatrightPRO | #NationalNutritionMonth

    For more information, contact: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |

    For more information, visit:

  • Alaxo Airway Stents

    More than one-third of American adults are not getting enough sleep each night, despite an increased risk of developing chronic conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and frequent mental distress. Alaxo Airway Stents sponsors “Breathe Better, Sleep Better Month” to help raise awareness of the importance of better breathing for better sleep.

    Social: @AlaxoAirway | #breathebetter

    For more information, contact: Brittany Tedesco | Alaxo Airway Stents | 201-641-1911x14 |

    For more information, visit: &

  • Shape Up US, Inc.

    Clap4Health is a unique cardiovascular disease and obesity prevention campaign using clapping as its method of educating children, families, senior and communities about healthier lifestyles. Clapping can improve motor and spatial skills; enhance emotional, sociological, physiological, and cognitive benefits; lead to better socialization skills and elevate moods through an increase in endorphin levels.

    For more information, contact: Jyl Steinback | Shape Up US, Inc. | 602-996-6300 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Optometric Association

    Save Your Vision Month reminds people of the importance of regular, in-person comprehensive eye exams to maintain good vision and eye health.

    For more information, visit:

  • Brain Injury Association of America

    The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) leads the nation in observing Brain Injury Awareness Month in March each year.

    Social: @biaamerica, @bia_usa, @braininjuryassociationofamerica | #MoreThanMyBrainInjury

    For more information, contact: Director of Marketing & Communications | Brain Injury Association of America | 703-584-8630 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Colorectal Cancer Alliance

    As COVID-19 gripped the country, colorectal cancer screenings plummeted. This March, we are calling on every ally to help get screening back on track.

    Social: @CCAlliance | #45isthenew50 #GetScreened #TomorrowCantWait

    For more information, visit:

  • National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

    Each March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), and our partners work together to highlight the many ways in which people with and without disabilities come together to form strong, diverse communities.

    Social: @NACDD | #DDawareness2025, #DDAM2025, #AWorldofOpportunities, #NewOpportunities

    For more information, contact: Rafael Rolon-Muniz | National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities | 202-506-5813 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Academy of Ophthalmology

    Each year, nearly 25,000 Americans visit the emergency room due to a workplace eye injury. During Workplace Eye Wellness Month this March, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) reminds employers and workers about the importance of wearing certified and approved eye protection.

    For more information, visit:

  • Association of Child Life Professionals

    Child Life Month celebrates the child life profession and honors all child life professionals.

    For more information, contact: Association of Child Life Professionals | 571-483-4500 |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Kidney Foundation

    One in three Americans is at risk for developing kidney disease, and high blood pressure and diabetes are the two leading causes. During National Kidney Month, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) urges Americans to learn more about their kidneys and to take steps to preserve their kidney health.

    For more information, contact: National Kidney Foundation | 212-889-2210 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Pediatric Sleep Council

    Baby Sleep Day is every March 1st, preceding National Sleep Awareness Week and World Sleep Day. Baby Sleep Day brings attention to the importance of a good night’s sleep for all young children and their families.

    Social: @pedsleepcouncil | #babysleepday #babysleep

    For more information, visit:

  • Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation

    This week is a time to highlight news and stories about patients and families coping with rare bone marrow failure diseases, including aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).

    Social: @aamdsif, @aamds

    For more information, visit:

  • March of Dimes

    About 8 million babies worldwide are born each year with a serious birth defect. March of Dimes and more than 150 other international organizations will join together for World Birth Defects Day, observed every year on March 3, to raise awareness of this serious global problem and advocate for more birth defects prevention, surveillance, care, and research.

    Social: @marchofdimes, @modhealthtalk, @nacersano | #WorldBDDay, #ManyBirthDefects1Voice

    For more information, contact: Michele Kling | March of Dimes | 914-997-4613 | |

    For more information, visit: |

  • American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA)

    Dental Assistants Recognition Week™ (also known as DARW™) is held every year in the first full week of March. Dental assistants are a key part of the dental practice year-round, but they get a special week dedicated to them each year for all the great work they do!

    For more information, visit:

  • American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR)

    Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week calls attention to the role of pulmonary rehabilitation in enhancing the quality of life of individuals with lung disease.

    Social: @AACVPR | #PRWeek2025

    For more information, contact: American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) | 312/321-5146 |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Patient Safety Foundation

    Patient Safety Awareness Week is an annual education and awareness campaign for healthcare safety led by the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF).

    Social: @theNPSF

    For more information, contact: Sara Valentin | National Patient Safety Foundation | 617-391-9906 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics

    The goal of Medical Genetics Awareness Week, which will coincide annually with the ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting, is to raise awareness of the invaluable contributions that medical genetics healthcare professionals make in the diagnosis, management, and prevention of genetic diseases.

    Social: @TheACMG | #MedicalGeneticsAwareness

    For more information, contact: Barry Eisenberg | American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics |

    For more information, visit:

  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day, celebrated each year on the second Wednesday in March, was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to increase the awareness of registered dietitian nutritionists as the indispensable providers of food and nutrition services.

    Social: @eatrightPRO, @eatright_pro | #RDNDay

    For more information, contact: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Kidney Foundation

    One in three Americans is at risk for developing kidney disease, and high blood pressure and diabetes are the two leading causes. The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) urges Americans to learn more about their kidneys and to take steps to preserve their kidney health.

    Social: @NKF, @NationalKidneyFoundation | #worldkidneyday, #nationalkidneymonth, #nkf

    For more information, visit:

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse

    National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®, (NDAFW) is an annual, week-long, health observance that inspires dialogue about the science of drug use and addiction among youth. It provides an opportunity to bring together scientists, students, educators, healthcare providers, and community partners—to help advance the science, so that we can improve the prevention and awareness of substance misuse in our own communities and nationwide.

    Social: @nidanews | #NDAFW

    For more information, contact: Brian D Marquis | National Institute on Drug Abuse | 301-480-3741 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Society for Health Care Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA)

    Health Care Human Resources Week is designated to recognize HR professionals in health care organizations across the nation for their important role across the continuum of care.

    Social: @ASHHRA | #HCHRWeek

    For more information, contact: ASHHRA | American Society for Health Care Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA) | 312-422-3720 |;

    For more information, visit:

  • American Association of Poison Control Centers

    The third full week in March each year is National Poison Prevention Week (NPPW), a week dedicated to raising awareness of poison control centers and the Poison Help Hotline (1-800-222-1222).

    Social: @aapcc | #preventpoison

    For more information, visit:

  • National Coalition for LGBTQ Health

    In 2003, the National Coalition for LGBT Health created National LGBT Health Awareness Week to bring attention to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) health issues and health disparities.

    Social: @healthlgbt | #LGBTHealth

    For more information, visit:

  • National Academy of Medicine (NAM)

    In an ongoing commitment to prioritize health workforce well-being, the NAM is excited to establish the Health Workforce Well-Being Day of Awareness. We pledge to continue advancing health worker well-being…because “A Healthy Workforce Means a Healthy You.”

    Social: @theNAMedicine

    For more information, contact: Farida Ahmed, Associate Program Officer | Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience |

    For more information, visit:

  • Down Syndrome International

    World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.

    Social: #InclusionMeans, #WorldDownSyndromeDay

    For more information, contact: Down Syndrome International |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Lung Association

    Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that usually infects the lungs, but can attack almost any part of the body. It is spread from person to person through the air. When a person with TB in their lungs or throat coughs, laughs, sneezes, sings, or even talks, the germs that cause TB may spread through the air. On World Tuberculosis Day, learn how the American Lung Association is committed to fighting this serious lung disease.

    Social: @LungAssociation | #WorldTBDay

    For more information, visit:

  • American Diabetes Association

    American Diabetes Association Alert Day, which is held every fourth Tuesday in March, is a one-day wake-up call asking the American public to take the Diabetes Risk Test to find out if they are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.

    Social: @AmDiabetesAssn | #DiabetesAlertDay

    For more information, visit:

  • AMA Alliance

    Signed into order by President George Bush on October 30, 1990, Public Law 101-473 sets aside this day to honor all physicians with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.

    Social: @amaalliance | #AMAAlliance

    For more information, contact: AMA Alliance, Inc | 800-549-4619 |

    For more information, visit:

  • International Society for Bipolar Disorders

    The vision of World Bipolar Day (WBD) is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders and to eliminate social stigma and discrimination.

    Social: @WorldBipolarDay, @worldbipolarday0330 | #WorldBipolarDay, #WBD, #WBD2024

    For more information, contact: International Society for Bipolar Disorders |

    For more information, visit:

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April 2025

  • National Rosacea Society

    The National Rosacea Society designates April as Rosacea Awareness Month to educate the public on the impact of this chronic and widespread facial disorder that is estimated to affect more than 16 million Americans, so those whose lives are affected can find greater public acceptance and understanding. During April, people who may have rosacea are encouraged to seek medical help before it gets worse.

    Social: #RosaceaAwareness, #RosaceaAwarenessMonth

    For more information, contact: National Rosacea Society | 847-382-8971 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Autism Society of America

    Every April, Autism Acceptance Month celebrates the diverse and varied experiences across the Autism spectrum. The Autism Society of America promotes acceptance to create the connections for everyone in the Autism community to access the unique services, supports, and information to best serve their needs.

    Social: @AutismSociety | #AutismSociety, #CelebrateDifferences

    For more information, contact: Kristyn Roth | Autism Society of America | 800-328-8476 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Child Welfare Information Gateway

    Child Abuse Prevention Month has been observed each April since its first presidential proclamation in 1983. Since that time, millions of Americans have participated in this national campaign to bring families and communities together to prevent child abuse and neglect.

    Social: #ChildAbusePreventionMonth, #NCAPMonth

    For more information, contact: Children’s Bureau | 800-394-3366 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Men’s Health Network

    Testicular Cancer Awareness Month recognizes a cancer which is the most common type among men ages 15–35 years, but men of all ages can be at risk. Most testicular cancer awareness organizations recommend that males conduct regular self-exams. During this month, many colleges and universities host events for young adult men to raise awareness of their risks of testicular cancer.

    Social: @MensHlthNetwork | #TCaMonth, #TesticularCancer, #TCaM

    For more information, contact: Men’s Health Network | 202-543-6461 x101 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association

    April is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month (LLLDAM) during which awareness about what it is like to live with limb loss and limb difference, for individuals and families is raised.

    Social: @AmericanOandP, @AmputeesUSA | #LLLDAM, #limbloss, #limbdifference

    For more information, contact: Joy Burwell | American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association | 571-431-0876 |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center

    Every April is nationally recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The goal of SAAM is for individuals and organizations to raise public awareness about sexual harassment, assault, and abuse and educate communities on how to prevent it.

    Social: @NSVRC | #SAAM

    For more information, contact: National Sexual Violence Resource Center |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

    Spread the word to remind both children and adults: as you suit up for outdoor activities this spring, don’t forget to protect your face and head. Spring often brings a flood of patients suffering with head, mouth, and facial injuries resulting from sports-related accidents to doctors’ offices and emergency rooms. Many oral and facial injuries can be easily prevented with the use of sports safety equipment like helmets and mouth guards. National Facial Protection Month is sponsored by the Academy for Sports Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, and the American Association of Orthodontists. Together we encourage children and adults to enjoy the pleasures of the season by using common sense and taking the necessary precautions to prevent sports injuries.

    Social: @myoms | #FacialProtection, #NFPM

    For more information, contact: Jolene Kremer | American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons | 847-678-6200 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Thought Leadership & Innovation Foundation (TLI)

    TLI is a not-for-profit organization that works at the nexus of science, technology, and public health, innovating for superior prevention, treatment, and outcomes for those facing life-altering medical diagnoses. TLI helps patients across the country/around the world find better healthcare outcomes. Our goal for the Healthcare Thought Leadership and Innovation Month is to inspire all stakeholders in the healthcare continuum to showcase new and innovative programs and ideas, leading to transformative change in healthcare.

    Social: @TLIFoundation | #ThoughtLeadershipAndInnovationMonth

    For more information, contact: Nicole Dufour CPR on behalf of TLI | Thought Leadership & Innovation Foundation (TLI) | 201-641-1911 x 54 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Podiatric Medical Association

    Foot Health Awareness Month promotes foot health, educates the public about the importance of healthy feet, and underscores the critical role podiatrists, physicians, and surgeons who treat the feet and ankles, play in keeping America healthy and active.

    Social: @official_apma, @apma

    For more information, contact: Peggy Tresky | APMA | 301-581-9200 |

    For more information, visit:

  • World Laughter Tour

    National Humor Month was conceived to heighten public awareness and appreciation of humor in every form. Humor relieves stress and tension, helps you cope, and gives you a sense of control and comfort. Humor leads to improved morale and well-being, enhanced creativity, increased communication skills, and an enriched quality of life. Join in celebrating humor, laughter, and mirth for all of their beneficial purposes.

    Social: #humormonth

    For more information, contact: Steve Wilson | World Laughter Tour | 614-296-4882 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Prevent Blindness

    Do you know how to protect your sight? Hormonal changes, age, and smoking can endanger sight.

    Social: @PBA_SavingSight

    For more information, contact: Prevent Blindness | 800-331-2020 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Occupational Therapy Association

    Occupational Therapy Month (OT Month) recognizes the contributions of occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants to help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. It is in April to correspond with AOTA’s Annual Conference & Expo.

    Social: @AOTAInc | #OTMonth

    For more information, contact: American Occupational Therapy Association | 301-652-6611 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Counseling Association

    Professional counselors help people gain personal insights, develop strategies, and come up with real-life solutions to the problems and challenges they face in every area of life. Powered by the American Counseling Association—more than 58,000 members strong—Counseling Awareness Month provides an opportunity to celebrate both the counseling profession and individuals who do this important work.

    Social: @ACACounselors | #CounselorsHelp

    For more information, contact: News Department | American Counseling Association | 800-347-6647 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Office of Minority Health (OMH)

    The Office of Minority Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services leads the observance of National Minority Health Month each year, and joins with federal, state, Tribal, local, and territorial partners across the country in calling for a renewed commitment to eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity.

    Social: @MinorityHealth, @OMH_Espanol

    For more information, visit:

  • American Sexual Health Association

    The American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) provides education, support, and awareness around sexually transmitted infections (STIs). There are 20 million new STI cases in the United States each year.

    For more information, contact: American Sexual Health Association | 919-361-8400 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

    Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month is an initiative to encourage adults who are at high risk for head and neck cancer to take advantage of the nationwide and international free screenings. A key message of the campaign is that early diagnosis is key to successful treatment of these types of cancers.

    Social: @hncalliance, @ohancaw | #OHANCAW, #EDUCATESCREENTREAT

    For more information, visit:

  • March of Dimes

    March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. March for Babies funds our research, programs, education, and advocacy so that every baby can have the best possible start. When you March for Babies, you make a statement that you want to live in a world in which healthy moms and strong babies are a priority for us all. Together we hope, remember, and celebrate at our walk sites nationwide.


    For more information, contact: March of Dimes |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

    Founded by the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence (NCADD), Alcohol Awareness Month was established in 1987 to help reduce the stigma associated with alcoholism by providing information about alcohol use and recovery. This month is an opportunity to update your knowledge about alcohol use disorder (AUD) and the adverse impact of alcohol misuse on health and society.

    Social: @Recovered_org

    For more information, contact: National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism | 212-269-7797, 917-905-7938 |,

    For more information, visit: |

  • Parkinson’s Foundation

    Parkinson’s Awareness Month is observed each April to draw attention to the neurodegenerative disorder that affects 1 million people in the US and 10 million globally.

    Social: @ParkinsonDotOrg

    For more information, visit:

  • Defeat Diabetes Foundation

    Defeat Diabetes Month provides information, articles, tips, cartoons, recipes, and more to help you delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes, or to live a healthier lifestyle with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.

    Social: #DefeatDiabetesMonth

    For more information, visit:

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

    According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), workplace violence is defined as an act or threat of violence, ranging from verbal abuse to physical assaults, or any other disruptive behavior, including domestic violence and stalking when it impacts a workplace. April is recognized as Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness Month with the goal of increasing awareness to recognize, prevent, and respond to workplace violence.

    For more information, visit:

  • American Academy of Ophthalmology

    Each year, an estimated 100,000 people are hurt by sports-related eye injuries. About 13,500 of these injuries result in permanent vision loss. In support of Sports Eye Safety Month this April, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) reminds athletes everywhere that the great majority of sports-related eye injuries can be avoided by simply wearing the proper protection.

    Social: @AcademyEyeSmart

    For more information, visit:

  • Donate Life America

    National Donate Life Month was instituted by Donate Life America and its partnering organizations in 2003. It features an entire month of local, regional, and national activities to help encourage Americans to register as organ, eye, and tissue donors, and to celebrate those who have saved lives through the gift of donation.

    Social: #DonateLifeMonth

    For more information, contact: Jocelyn Reed | Donate Life America | 804-377-3580 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Screening for Mental Health

    National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD) is an outreach, education, and screening initiative that raises awareness about harmful and dependent drinking behaviors, and connects individuals who are at risk with treatment options. NASD is held annually on Thursday of the first full week of April. Thousands of colleges, community-based organizations, and military installations provide the program to the public each year. Take an anonymous screening at

    Social: @HYSHO | #NASD

    For more information, visit:

  • Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC)

    International IP day is a dedicated day to acknowledge the tireless work of IPs in various settings, including acute care, long-term care and nursing homes, public health, behavioral health, schools, hospitality, and correctional facilities. This day is an opportunity for IPs worldwide to celebrate their critical role in preventing the spread of infection and protecting public health.

    Social: @apic, @apic_infection_prevention | #InternationalIPDay, #WeLoveOurIPs

    For more information, contact: Kelly-Lynne Russell Guy | APIC | 410-302-5637 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Public Health Association

    National Public Health Week is a time to recognize the contributions of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation’s health. We bring together public health practitioners, advocates, and students with the general public to celebrate all things public health.

    Social: @NPHW, @PublicHealth, @americanpublichealth | #NPHW

    For more information, contact: Affiliate Affairs | APHA | 202-777-2508 |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Cancer Registrars Association

    National Cancer Registrars Week was established to promote the work of cancer registry professionals. This week, cancer registrars showcase how the cancer data they collect provide essential information to researchers, healthcare providers, and public health officials to better monitor and advance cancer treatments, conduct research, and improve cancer prevention and screening programs. Supervisors of cancer registry professionals take this opportunity to organize recognition events and acknowledge their staff’s important role.

    For more information, contact: Peggy Meehan | NCRA | 202-486-8757 |

    For more information, visit:

  • World Health Organization

    Every year, World Health Day is celebrated on April 7 to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948.

    For more information, visit:

  • Advocates for Youth

    National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) is commemorated annually on April 10th to urge policymakers and the public to take action regarding the impact of HIV and AIDS on young people. The day also highlights the HIV prevention, treatment, and care campaigns of young people in the U.S. Check out our social media toolkit to participate.

    Social: @NYHAAD, @advocatestweets, @advocatesforyouth | #NYHAAD

    For more information, contact: Armonte Butler | Advocates for Youth | 202-716-6330 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Black Mamas Matter Alliance

    The campaign and activities for Black Maternal Health Week serve to amplify the voices of Black mamas and center the values and traditions of the reproductive and birth justice movements. Activities during BMHW are rooted in human rights, reproductive justice, and birth justice frameworks.

    Social: @blackmamasmatter, @blkmamasmatter | #BMHW, #BlackMaternalHealthWeek

    For more information, contact: Black Mamas Matter Alliance |;

    For more information, visit:

  • International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS)

    In April 2006, the International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS) created Transplant Nurses Day to raise awareness of the unique contributions transplant nurses make in the lives of the people with whom they work, especially their patients. The celebration takes place on the third Wednesday in April, and recognizes the skill and commitment of transplant nurses around the world.

    Social: @ITNSnurses

    For more information, contact: Allison Begezda | ITNS | 847-375-6340 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement

    National Healthcare Decisions Day exists to inspire, educate, and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance care planning.

    Social: @NHDD | #NHDD

    For more information, visit:

  • World Federation of Hemophilia

    World Hemophilia Day is an annual observance first celebrated in 1989. It is an international awareness day for hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.

    Social: @wfhemophilia

    For more information, visit:

  • Sepsis Alliance

    Do you know the signs and symptoms of sepsis? You could save a child. Join Sepsis Alliance for Pediatric Sepsis Week, April 20th - 26th, to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of sepsis in children, recognize the 75,000 children who develop sepsis each year in the U.S., and honor those who have passed.

    Social: @SepsisAlliance | #SepsisAwareness, #PediatricSepsisWeek2025, #SepsisSurvivor

    For more information, contact: Alexandria Sadorf Colvin | Sepsis Alliance | 619-233-0300 |

    For more information, visit:

  • RESOLVE - The National Infertility Association

    National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW) is a movement, founded in 1989 by RESOLVE. All too often myths and misinformation appear in media stories or influence lawmakers and companies to enforce policies that create barriers for people who need help building their family. And still, people feel isolated when they struggle to build a family, so we want to empower them to share their story and find a community that cares.

    Social: @resolveorg | #NIAW, #IFAwareness, #NationalInfertilityAwarenessWeek

    For more information, contact: Magda Halim | RESOLVE - The National Infertility Association | 703-651-8203 |

    For more information, visit:

  • ASET - The Neurodiagnostic Society

    Neurodiagnostic Week highlights the many ways in which neurodiagnostic professionals work to ensure the health of their patients—not only in their day-to-day practice, but through advocacy, education, and research. During this week, hospitals, schools, and other institutions acknowledge the year-round efforts of neurodiagnostic technologists. In addition, many neurodiagnostic departments hold open houses, sponsor special activities for the public and hospital staff, and organize community events.

    Social: @ASETLIVE | #NDWeek, #NeurodiagnosticWeek

    For more information, contact: ASET - The Neurodiagnostic Society | 816-931-1120 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Society for Clinical Pathology

    Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (Lab Week) generates new awareness and excitement about the laboratory medicine profession. Get the word out to help everyone understand and appreciate the importance of laboratory professionals’ role in patient care!

    Social: @ascp_chicago | #labweek

    For more information, contact: Natalie Sherry | American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) | 312-541-4947 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)

    Health Information Professionals (HIP) Week is an opportunity to recognize professionals who work with health data. Through their work in clinical documentation, data analytics, medical coding, privacy and security, and data management, professionals provide data interpretation, protection, and accessibility, empowering healthcare organizations to provide high-quality, lifesaving care.

    For more information, contact: Jackie Bonyko | American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) | 312-233-1541 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention

    National Infant Immunization Week is an annual observance to highlight the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases and celebrate the achievements of immunization programs in promoting healthy communities. Since 1994, hundreds of communities across the United States have joined together to celebrate the critical role vaccination plays in protecting children, communities, and public health.

    For more information, visit:

  • Drug Enforcement Administration

    This day provides an opportunity to get unused and unwanted medications out of your household.

    Social: #DEATakeBack

    For more information, visit:

  • The Beryl Institute

    Patient Experience Week is an annual event to celebrate accomplishments, re-energize efforts, and honor the people who impact patient experience every day—from nurses and physicians, to support staff and executive professionals, to patients, families, and communities.

    Social: @BerylInstitute | #PXWeek

    For more information, contact: The Beryl Institute | 866-488-2379 | |

    For more information, visit:

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May 2025

  • National Association for Health and Fitness

    Together let’s make employee health a reality! GEHFM's award-winning initiative is ready to go. It has never been easier or more important to keep moving, set goals, and create sustainable change in your health and well-being. Employee health is a powerful strategic component of an organization and an investment in employee health is essential to managing health costs, improving organizational productivity, retention of employees, reducing stress, and improving mental health.

    Social: @NAHFOfficial | #GEHFM

    For more information, contact: Global Employee Health and Fitness | 518-456-1058 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Academy of Dermatology

    Skin Cancer Awareness Month was created to raise skin cancer awareness and promote skin cancer prevention and detection.

    Social: @AADSkin | #MelanomaMonday

    For more information, contact: American Academy of Dermatology |

    For more information, visit:

  • Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF)

    Each May, the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) works to raise awareness and inspire behavioral change regarding the critical importance of good bone health and osteoporosis prevention. During May and all year long, we want everyone to make a commitment to be bone strong!

    Social: @bonehealthandosteoporosis, @bonehealthandosteoporosisfoundation, @bonehealthBHOF | #OsteoporosisAwareness, #BeBoneStrong

    For more information, contact: BHOF Information | Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF) | 800-231-4222 |

    For more information, visit:

  • League of American Bicyclists

    National Bike Month is a celebration of all the benefits of biking. From improving mental and physical health to contributing to a greener environment, every time you get on a bike, you’re making life better for everyone.

    Social: @bikeleague | #BikeMonth

    For more information, contact: Communications | League of American Bicyclists | 202-822-1333 |,

    For more information, visit:

  • The Run A Mile Project

    A National campaign to increase the physical fitness of K through 8th grade boys & girls by running the mile. Events are focused on elementary and middle schools and community organizations in towns and cities nationwide.

    Social: @Be_a_miler | #runamile

    For more information, contact: Dave Watt | The Run A Mile Project | 703-731-3429 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Society of Critical Care Medicine

    May is National Critical Care Awareness and Recognition Month (NCCARM). Celebrate the unwavering and inspiring commitment of critical care clinicians worldwide! Wear blue on Friday, May 16, 2025! ICU teams worldwide hold educational symposia, staff recognition ceremonies, or other special events with a blue theme. Bring blue snacks or balloons! Wear your favorite blue scrubs! No matter how you mark the occasion, be sure to share your celebrations using the hashtag #CritCareMonth.

    Social: @SCCM | #CritCareMonth

    For more information, contact: SCCM Customer Service | Society of Critical Care Medicine | 847-827-6888 |

    For more information, visit:


    Motorcyclists have the same rights and privileges as any other motor vehicle driver on the roadway. During Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month - in fact, during the entire year - drivers are reminded to safely “share the road” with motorcyclists and to be extra alert to help keep motorcyclists safe.

    Social: #LookTwiceForMotorcyclists

    For more information, contact: NHTSA Media | USDOT/NHTSA | 202-366-9550 |

    For more information, visit:

  • Better Sleep Council

    Better Sleep Month happens in May and it’s all about spreading the word on how to get better sleep. You’ll see tips, events, and info to help folks improve their sleep habits. It’s a chance to focus on getting those Z’s for better health and well-being.

    Social: @bettersleeporg | #bettersleepmonth

    For more information, contact: Mary Helen Rogers | Better Sleep Council | 571-482-5436 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Trauma Society

    National Trauma Awareness Month launched in 1988 when the ATS and Congress established May as National Trauma Awareness Month (NTAM). We are proud to be offering our 36th year of NTAM and our efforts continue to provide themed prevention programs and education for all ages. Through this campaign, the ATS was the first organization to advocate for the prevention of “Red Light Running”. Subsequent years have highlighted the risks of falls, distracted driving, violence prevention, firearm violence prevention, sports injuries, and many other important injury prevention topics.

    For more information, contact: McKenzie Riley | American Trauma Society | 703-538-3557, 703-538-3544 |

    For more information, visit:

  • National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

    High blood pressure is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems. The focus of this observance is to increase awareness about the prevention and treatment of this life-threatening condition.

    Social: @nih_nhlbi, @thehearttruth, @hearttruth, @thehearttruth_nhlbi | #OurHearts, #HighBloodPressureMonth

    For more information, contact: NHLBI Center for Health Information | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute | 877-645-2448 |

    For more information, visit:

  • American Nurses Association

    As the largest group of health care professionals in the United States, nurses’ impact on health and health care is unparalleled. Nurses Month provides opportunities to promote understanding and awareness of our profession, encourage young people to consider nursing as a career and recognize the vast contributions of nurses. The theme for Nurses Month: You Make a Difference. We will focus on a different topic each week of the month. Week 1: Self-care; Week 2: Recognition; Week 3: Professional Development; Week 4: Community Engagement.

    Social: @AmericanNursesAssociation, @ANANursingWorld | #ANANursesMonth, #MyYearMyStory

    For more information, contact: Joan Hurwitz | American Nurses Association | 301-628-5020 |,

    For more information, visit: |

  • Mental Health America

    Mental Health Month was started in 1949 by Mental Health America (then known as the National Association for Mental Health). It is observed each May to raise awareness and educate the public about mental health conditions, the realities of living with these conditions, and strategies for attaining mental health and wellness. Each year in mid-March, Mental Health America releases a toolkit of materials to guide preparation for outreach activities during Mental Health Month.

    Social: @mentalhealthamerica, @MentalHealthAm | #MentalHealthMonth, #b4stage4

    For more information, contact: Emily Skehill, Danielle Fritze | Mental Health America | 508-566-4942, 703-797-2591 |,

    For more information, visit: |

  • CTF

    The Children’s Tumor Foundation (CTF) recognizes May as Neurofibromatosis (NF) Awareness Month to raise awareness and educate the public about the disorder. NF causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body and is more common than cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and Huntington’s disease combined, yet is under-recognized by the public and under-diagnosed by the medical community. NF can lead to deafness, blindness, bone abnormalities, and certain forms of cancer.