SHSMD Connections Bytes FAQ
SHSMD Connections Bytes: Bringing You Together to Encourage Skill-building.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development (SHSMD) has transitioned SHSMD Connections 2020, originally scheduled for September 13-16 in Chicago, to two new virtual events including SHSMD Connections Bytes. This virtual event will focus on skill-building through a series of online workshops, seminars and safe social networking to help you shape the rapidly evolving health care landscape and promote health in your communities and organizations.
Registration to the virtual conference is open – for more information, please visit https://www.shsmd.org/education/shsmd-connections-bytes/registration.
This event is open to health care strategists in the field of:
- Marketing
- Digital Strategy
- Strategic Planning
- Communications
- Public Relations Business Development
To attend the virtual conference, you need a good internet connection, your device or computer, and a valid registration. You will receive login details a few days prior to the conference. Throughout the conference, you will have access to live and prerecorded sessions as well as additional resources, discussions, networking opportunities and other games and challenges! More details coming soon!
Following the live event on October 26-28, the content will be available on-demand until December 31, 2020 for all registered participants (excluding workshops).
Discussion groups will be created for each session and you will be able to join a public online chat discussion and ask questions. Speakers will be asked to join the discussions as well and address the questions posted. Live sessions will have live Q&A sessions!
Yes! The 2 Day-event pass ($99) includes access to our all attendee networking event on Day 1 as well as the partner solutions forum on October 28. More information on both events coming soon!
To register for the pre-conference workshops, be sure to add them to your cart during registration. View the full conference schedule here. To register for one or more workshops, be sure to add them to you cart upon checkout along with your 2 day event pass. You also have the option to renew your membership at the discounted rate ($200)!
Once registered, you will receive an email with instructions how to login to the workshops’ platform closer to the live event on October 26, 2020.
By attending the Connections Bytes, participants may earn up to six (6) ACHE Qualified Education Hours (plus an additional 1.5 credits for each preconference workshop) toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.
Yes, access instructions will be provided closer to the live event.
Register early to get the $99 member rate ($299 for nonmembers, which includes a 1-year SHSMD membership). After October 1, it goes up to a $149 member rate ($349 nonmember).
With SHSMD membership, easily access the tools and resources needed to lead through the challenges ahead. Receive benefits such as free access to webinars, a network of peers on MySHSMD, weekly News Scan and lots more!
For assistance from a SHSMD representative, contact SHSMD@aha.org.