Futurescan Header 2020

Futurescan: Health Care Trends and Implications Publication

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SHSMD ADVANCE™ is a comprehensive learning framework that includes a series of skill building tools that will help you and your health care strategy…
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Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation has developed a Comprehensive Opioid Response with the 12 steps as a solution to treating people with opioid addiction…
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This presentation will discuss how this framework can guide health system responses to the opioid epidemic, highlight insights from patterns in…
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AFMS hosted the “What’s Your Why” Campaign to raise awareness about the transformation effort and to inspire Airmen to join the journey by telling…
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Case studies will be discussed demonstrating how hospitals are using approaches such as human-centered design, adaptive leadership and new…
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A panel of experts from around the country will share their experiences and best practices in operationalizing population for their health care…