Futurescan Header 2020

Futurescan: Health Care Trends and Implications Publication

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The Surgeon General's report called addiction "a bigger health problem than cancer." This is a call to arms for every hospital in the nation. The…
Magazine & Journal Articles
We are in a renaissance. The rate of change in the healthcare marketplace is moving at an accelerated pace. There are more opportunities than ever…
Presentation Resource
Learn how, with a highly personalized strategy, Kish/Northwestern uses six strategic approaches to help develop stronger community connections, which…
Presentation Resource
Learn how one community health system in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is modeling its innovation initiatives after a highly effective startup culture to…
Presentation Resource
Woman Up began as a marketing campaign designed to increase screening mammograms in northeast Ohio and to strengthen the perceptions of UH Seidman…
Presentation Resource
Focusing on optimizing health and meeting consumers’ needs, Centura Health identified 33 geographic health neighborhoods across Colorado. For each…