Presentation Resource

American Hospital Association presentation resources and slide decks for members and the health care field.

This resource showcases stories " and lessons learned " by a panel of hospital communicators from some of the most tragic headlines, including the Boston Marathon bombing, the San Bernardino shootings, and the Virginia on-air shootings.
This session will focus on two case studies that demonstrate leadership techniques to address the internal and external expectations with practical examples and demonstrated results. Attendees will see how reports can motivate everyone. The session will end with a list of 10 must-haves to assure…
The HEALTH HUB Experience Guide is a document that explains the motivation behind design decisions, conveys the essence of the experience of each component as well as the overall concept, and describes the operational assumptions that informed the design.
Learn how SurgeryConnect was designed — from conception to release — to solve the center's challenges while nurturing a "connection"with patients and families, and also producing a positive ROI.
Hear about Nationwide Children's Hospital's solution to operational inefficiency while simultaneously increasing the program’s patient volumes and expanding its geographic reach.