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Check out this SHSMD Connections 2022 session presentation covering a successful campaign from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) that addressed: Health disparities, Inequities and Social determinants of health.
Learn from this SHSMD Connections 2022 Conference presentation about how Kettering Health reimagined their crisis communications plan and how your organization can too.
Session Topics
Why Do Hospitals Have a Crisis Communication Plan?
Incident Command System
Media Center Tips
Learn how to leverage data and statistics in creating impactful campaigns that move people to action in this SHSMD Connections 2022 session presentation.
Learning Objectives
Learn how an emerging best practice, the “Total Market Approach,” can create market advantages for health plans, hospitals and health systems by leveraging core human truths across general market and multicultural audiences as these groups merge into the “New Americano."
In this session, Johnny Smith Jr., Senior Director of Public Relations for Ascension, will demonstrate how to develop a strategic thought leadership program that aligns with your organization’s mission, strengthens its brand and distinguishes it as a leader.
Over the last nine years, we have sent out almost 50,000 separate email campaigns from a wide range of companies that target physicians. From this huge base of experience, we have pulled out six secrets to make your next hospital email campaign be the best performing one ever.
Learn how to capture the attention of a very busy physician audience with Rose Herring from Atrium Health, formerly Carolinas Health Care System, and Dr. Nate Gross, the Co-Founder of Doximity.
Of course, social media, community outreach, brand journal
Scripps cares for more than 500,000 patients annually, wit
There are the literal politics–the regulators and elected
This presentation, led by hospital association communicati
A successful approach to board engagement included a series of learning and listening sessions over several months, allowing board members to gain a basic understanding or choose to deep dive into key topics. These sessions, in lieu of a more traditional board retreat, provided a review of the competitive landscape through the lenses of business metrics and patient outcomes, as well as philanthropy, research funding, and reputation.
It started in 2013 with a guy and a portable recorder inte
Leverage engaged employees and their community relationshi
The Surgeon General's report called addiction "a bigger health problem than cancer." This is a call to arms for every hospital in the nation. The heroin epidemic is decimating whole generations. The crisis is bringing clinical, financial, operational and messaging challenges to health systems everywhere. Three experts have joined together to bring you insights from ground zero of this epidemic.
Learn how to define organizational personality, unify storytelling, and manage reputation with new tools and methods, all while building an engaged internal army.
This case study will examine how Boston Medical Center implemented an integrated, multichannel marketing campaign to acquire more than 2,000 new primary care patients within one year.