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Learn how to capture the attention of a very busy physician audience with Rose Herring from Atrium Health, formerly Carolinas Health Care System, and Dr. Nate Gross, the Co-Founder of Doximity.
Learn how an emerging best practice, the “Total Market Approach,” can create market advantages for health plans, hospitals and health systems by leveraging core human truths across general market and multicultural audiences as these groups merge into the “New Americano."
Until recently many leaders refrained from taking aggressive public stands on controversial issues. There have always been high-profile leaders in certain industries who aren't afraid to speak up, but healthcare leaders in general tend to be more reserved. If you sensed a change recently, you're not mistaken. Read more about the role of healthcare leaders on social media in this article.
What could have easily turned into a public relations nightmare for a hospital in Massachusetts instead became the rallying cry for action. Read more about how one hospital addressed the opioid epidemic in their community.
In today's environment of limited hospital resources, it's critical to make meaningful and cost effective connections with those we serve. SHSMD's newly updated Bridging Worlds report for healthcare strategists highlights this concept by emphasizing the importance of "integrating and co-creating," whereby organizations find enhanced value when they engage with members of the community who have different points of view, backgrounds, and experiences.
A successful approach to board engagement included a series of learning and listening sessions over several months, allowing board members to gain a basic understanding or choose to deep dive into key topics. These sessions, in lieu of a more traditional board retreat, provided a review of the competitive landscape through the lenses of business metrics and patient outcomes, as well as philanthropy, research funding, and reputation.
There are the literal politics–the regulators and elected
The Surgeon General's report called addiction "a bigger health problem than cancer." This is a call to arms for every hospital in the nation. The heroin epidemic is decimating whole generations. The crisis is bringing clinical, financial, operational and messaging challenges to health systems everywhere. Three experts have joined together to bring you insights from ground zero of this epidemic.
HealthEast, a four-hospital system serving the Minneapolis-St. Paul region, was determined to make good use of its patient portal—to improve health outcomes by sharing proactive, consistent health information that patients could access anywhere. Read more about their implementation of two digital health tools.
This session highlights the experiences of a Gannett News Organization reporter who observed Mission Health from the board room to the operating room, filing a series of reports that ran over four consecutive weeks in spring 2015.
Find out how Susan G. Komen Greater Kansas City developed a unique and emotionally charged virtual reality experience that puts users into the avatar of a real-life breast cancer survivor. Discover how interactive healthcare educational technology can be leveraged to impact target audiences with actionable messaging and possibly save lives at the same time.
This session will help participants build a case for change in their organizations, and provide guidance to help them reach their ultimate destination. Presenters will also share lessons learned: the good, the bad, and the ugly.